Legal Notice

Company identity

The site is published and operated by the company asn europe, a limited liability company (sarl) under French law with capital of €100,000.00, whose head office is located, 3 rue du golf parc innolin 33701 merignac cedex, siret 79085841900019.

Publication manager : the company ASN Europe, prequalified contact:

Intracommunity VAT number: FR83790858419

Host: Shopify

Intellectual property

Our website is created by our IT team. It is therefore a work protected by intellectual property law. The content, such as texts, illustrations, photographs and presentations are strictly reserved under copyright and intellectual property.

The company ASN Europe grants you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license, without the right to sublicense, on the content of the site, for simple access, navigation and use of the site. This license does not grant you any other rights, in particular to commercial exploitation of the contents.

For more details, we invite you to consult our conditions of use.

Under Article 14, para. 1 of European regulation number 524/2013 of May 21, 2013 relating to ADR, the European Commission provides consumers with an online dispute resolution platform available at this address: