Se remettre au sport : 10 conseils

Getting back into sport: 10 tips

Returning to sport after a long period of inactivity can be both exciting and intimidating. This article will provide you with practical advice to return to sport smoothly, increase your motivation, and integrate physical activity sustainably into your daily life.

Evaluate your physical condition

Before diving headfirst into a sports program, it is crucial to assess your current physical condition. This will help you choose the most appropriate activities and prevent injuries. Consult a professional if necessary to obtain an accurate assessment.

Set realistic goals

The key to a successful return to sport is setting clear and achievable goals. Whether it's running 5K or simply walking regularly every day, setting goals will give you direction and meaning to your efforts.

Choice of sport

The choice of sport is essential to maintain interest. Choose an activity that excites you. Whether you prefer team sports, outdoor activities, or indoor classes, choose something that excites you.


Necessary equipment

Investing in the right equipment is fundamental. This can range from good quality sports shoes to specific equipment for your chosen sport, such as rackets, balls, etc.

Warming up

Never neglect warming up. Starting with stretching or light activity to prepare the body for exercise can greatly reduce the risk of injury.

Start small

It is important to start with short and simple sessions. This allows you to re-enter physical activity without overwhelming the body and mind.

Gradually increase the intensity

As your body adapts, gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. This may include the duration, frequency or difficulty of exercises.

Nutritional supplements

Incorporating nutritional supplements can be a great way to support your return to sport. At Addict Sport Nutrition, we offer a range of proteins and vitamins designed to optimize your recovery and performance.

Recommended proteins

For those returning to sport, our whey proteins are ideal for muscle recovery. Our options include products suited to different dietary needs, ensuring you'll find the support you need for your workouts.

Whey Protein Isolate : A high-quality whey protein that provides rapid absorption ideal for post-workout recovery. Perfect for those looking to increase their protein intake and improve muscle recovery.

Stay motivated

Find a training partner

Working out with a friend can significantly increase your motivation and make the experience more enjoyable.

Tracking progress

Keeping a journal of your progress or using a tracking app can help you stay on track and visualize your improvement over time.

Pay attention to diet

A balanced diet is crucial when returning to sport. Make sure you eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods to support your body.


Hydration is essential, especially during and after exercise. Drink enough water to maintain your performance and speed recovery.

Rest and recovery

Rest is just as important as activity. Make sure you recover properly between sessions to allow your body to rebuild and strengthen.


Returning to sport is a personal journey full of rewards. With the right tools, a little preparation and a lot of motivation, you can make this return an integral and joyful part of your life.


How much protein should I consume if I start exercising again?

  1. For sedentary adults : The recommended intake is approximately 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

  2. For active adults : If you are actively involved in sports, intake may increase by 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, depending on activity level.

  3. For bodybuilding or intensive sports : Athletes training to gain muscle mass or participating in endurance sports may need up to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight or more.

It is important to spread protein intake throughout the day and consume high-quality protein after workouts to optimize recovery and muscle repair. Protein-rich foods include meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts. Protein supplements, like those mentioned previously, can also be a convenient way to increase your protein intake, especially when access to complete protein sources is limited or for convenience after workouts.

It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional or nutritionist to personalize your protein intake according to your specific needs and health goals.

Is it necessary to take supplements every day?

Daily use of supplements depends on your specific nutritional needs, health and sports goals, and your usual diet. Here are some considerations when determining whether you should take supplements every day:

  1. Assessing deficiencies : If your daily diet provides you with enough essential nutrients, it may not be necessary to take supplements every day. However, if tests show that you have deficiencies (in vitamin D, iron, calcium, etc.), a daily supplement may be recommended.

  2. Athletic goals : For those who train intensively or have specific athletic goals, such as increasing muscle mass or improving endurance, supplements such as protein, creatine, or BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) may be beneficial when taken regularly.

  3. Dietary Restrictions : People following vegetarian, vegan, or other diets with specific dietary restrictions may require supplements to compensate for nutrients that are difficult to obtain through diet alone, such as vitamin B12 for vegans.

  4. General Health : For certain health conditions or life stages (such as pregnancy), it may be essential to take certain supplements daily to maintain good health.

In general, it is important to aim to get the majority of your nutrients from a balanced and varied diet. Supplements should not replace whole foods but can be used to fill nutritional gaps.

How can I effectively measure my progress?

Effectively measuring your progress when returning to sport is crucial to staying motivated and adjusting your training program according to your needs. Here are some commonly used methods to track your progress:

  1. Workout Log : Keeping a detailed log of your workouts can help you track your progress. Note the type of activity, duration, intensity, and how you feel during exercise. This can help you identify trends and adjust your routine accordingly.

  2. Fitness apps : Many mobile apps offer fitness tracking features, including step counts, calories burned, distance traveled, and more. Some apps also allow you to track your progress in bodybuilding, swimming, cycling, etc.

  3. Physical Measurements : Taking regular measurements of your body can be an effective method of seeing physical changes. This includes your weight, measurements of different body parts (like arms, waist, hips), and body fat percentage.

  4. Fitness Tests : Conducting periodic fitness tests can help you gauge your improvement in various aspects of fitness. For example, a running or walking test to assess your cardiovascular endurance, or a strength test like the maximum number of push-ups or squats you can do.

  5. Progress Photos : Taking photos of yourself at regular intervals in the same clothes and from the same angle can provide a visual representation of your physical changes over time.

  6. Specific Goals : Setting specific goals (e.g., run 5K, lift a certain weight, achieve a certain body fat percentage) and tracking your progress toward those goals can also be very motivating.

  7. General well-being : Don't underestimate the importance of monitoring more subjective aspects such as your energy level, sleep quality, and overall mood. These indicators can give you valuable clues about the effectiveness of your training program.

Using a combination of these methods will give you a comprehensive view of your progress and help you stay engaged and motivated on your fitness journey.

What are the signs of insufficient recovery?

Insufficient recovery after training can affect not only your athletic performance, but also your overall health. Here are some common signs to watch for that may indicate your body hasn't sufficiently recovered between training sessions:

  1. Persistent fatigue : Feeling constantly tired, even after getting a full night's sleep, may be a sign that your body has not recovered from previous physical exertion.

  2. Decreased performance : If you notice a decline in your usual performance, such as running slower, lifting less weight, or generally feeling less able to perform exercises that were previously easy, it may be due to insufficient recovery.

  3. Prolonged muscle soreness : It is normal to experience muscle soreness after a workout, especially if the activity was intense or new. However, if muscle soreness lasts more than a few days without improvement, it may indicate insufficient muscle recovery.

  4. Sleep Disturbances : Overtraining or insufficient recovery can disrupt your sleep patterns, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.

  5. Mood changes : Irritability, depression, or lack of motivation can also be signs of non-recovery. Excessive physical stress can affect your emotional well-being.

  6. Increased Injuries : If you start to experience unusual pain or minor injuries become more frequent, it may be a sign that your body is overworked and hasn't recovered enough.

  7. Increased resting heart rate : A higher than normal resting heart rate may indicate that your body is still under stress after a workout.

  8. Decreased immunity : Feeling sick often or catching colds more frequently may be a sign that your immune system is weakened by a lack of recovery.

If you notice one or more of these signs, it's important to review your workout routine and make sure you're allowing enough time for recovery.

Can I combine different types of sports in my recovery routine?

Yes, combining different types of sports into your recovery routine can be very beneficial. This practice, often called cross training, has several advantages:

  1. Reduced risk of injury : Varying activities can help prevent injuries caused by overrepetition of the same movement, which can overload certain muscles or joints.

  2. Improved overall fitness : Cross training works different muscle groups and improves various aspects of fitness, such as endurance, strength, flexibility and balance.

  3. Avoiding monotony : Changing sports can keep motivation intact and make training more enjoyable, which is crucial for maintaining a regular exercise routine over the long term.

  4. Improved sports performance : Cross training can improve your skills and performance in your primary sport because it develops complementary abilities that can be beneficial.

  5. Adapting to different levels of recovery : Some days your body may not be ready for an intense workout, but could tolerate lighter activity. Varying the types of sport allows you to adapt your training to your recovery state of the day.

To effectively integrate different sports into your routine, consider the following:

  • Balance between disciplines : Make sure you choose activities that complement your main sport, for example by alternating between cardiovascular sports and muscle-strengthening activities.
  • Session planning : Organize your training schedule to allow for adequate recovery between sessions that use the same muscle groups.
  • Listen to your body : Pay attention to your body and adjust your training based on your level of fatigue, pain or motivation.